Parents & Families

Student Support Services


Student Success Center

Student success is our priority. 学生成功中心提供超过25个不同科目的免费小组辅导, ranging from business to languages to science. 有一个写作实验室,为那些想要在写作论文上得到输入和指导的学生提供. SSC还有一名残疾支持服务协调员,他与由于临时或长期/永久性残疾而需要特殊支持的学生一起工作,并帮助确保他们在PUC的学业成功.

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Health Services

PUC的健康服务办公室为学生提供广泛的服务, including appointments with a physician, physician’s assistant, or a nurse, 还有药物(包括处方药和非处方药), medical supplies, and diagnostic in-clinic testing. 一名专业护士每周五天在学校,24小时随叫随到.

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Career & Counseling Center

The Career & 咨询中心确保学生在生活的各个方面得到良好的支持,并可以帮助学生找到他们想要的道路. 职业顾问可以给学生进行职业测试,并提供一对一的职业咨询帮助, and are also available to help with resumes, cover letters, and mock job interviews. 对于那些需要个人咨询的人(无论出于何种原因), PUC’s caring, qualified counselors are available to students, with up to six sessions free of charge to students.

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Office of Service, Justice & Missions

精神上的发展与学业上的成功同样重要,PUC的牧师随时为学生提供指导和支持. 请放心,你的学生总会有一个可以依靠的肩膀,或者在他们的角落里有一个祈祷者.

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Safety First

Our students’ safety is our top priority. PUC的校园安全办公室很高兴与联合环球公司合作校园安全,并提供一些重要的服务,以帮助确保学生在校期间的安全. 巡逻人员定期在校园巡逻,并为学生提供夜间护送服务,以及电池耗尽的启动车辆. 校园安全中心还负责与当地执法机构的联络,并提供24/7的电话服务,供学生报告任何与学校有关的问题和紧急情况.

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Parent FAQ

Visiting PUC

What airport should I fly in to when visiting PUC?

What accommodations are near the school?


What are the dates for finals and breaks?


What is PUC’s mailing address?

How should I address a care package to my student?

Financial Aid and Payments

What is PUC’s tuition, room, and board?

Are there payment plans?

What are the payment methods?

FERPA/Student Privacy

What is FERPA?

What does that mean for parents?

Residential Life

What does a residential hall room come with?

What else should my student bring?

What can’t my student bring?

What about appliances?

Anything else to note?


What is the best cell phone provider to have?

What is the PUC meal plan? 

What is the Angwin Plaza?

What emergency resources are available to my student?